10-12 Business Days (Unprinted) 12-15 Business Days (Printed)
Sensory Room Padding
Our indoor padding can be custom made to turn any room into a safe environment while reducing overwhelming stimuli. Great for both school and home use.
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Padding for Special Needs
Prevent Injury
Individuals with certain conditions can be prone to self-injurious behavior, falls, and accidents. Padding safeguards against all of these.
Sensory Regulation
Reduce overstimulation by both muting sounds and softening tactile stimulation. The soft texture of this padding can help some regulate their sensory input.
Peace of Mind for Caretakers
Rest easier knowing that an individual is in a padded, safe, and comfortable environment, whether that is a bedroom or a specific sensory room.
Versatility & Customization
CoverSports makes fully custom pads, and can work around doors, outlets, windows, angles, and other obstructions. We can also print on the full surface.