Portable Fencing: A cost effective way to create an attractive softball or baseball field from an open space area
April 21, 2011
Are you feeling the pressure of tight budgets and limited capital expenses? Do you need to maximize your field space but still want it to look good?
Portable fencing is a resourceful, affordable solution for creating different field layouts with one product. It offers valuable versatility because it is so easy to install and remove.
Permanent fencing is still a popular way to enclose a field but it is not necessarily suitable for school and baseball association budgets or their need to utilize a field to its capacity. Parks and schools, however, often have wide open fields that host various sports all year-round. Installing a permanent fence that is customized for a specific sport would limit the amount of playing for which a field can be used.
The Amateur Softball Association of America provides recommended minimum and maximum fence distances according to age, gender and pitch speed division. The distances range from 175’ to 300’. Portable fencing products provide field owners and managers the opportunity to make a legitimate field enclosure in an affordable way. Schools and parks can create ball field separation with a fence that is easy to install and remove, yet sturdy, durable and safe. When the seasons change, a baseball field can be converted to a soccer field, and back to a baseball field, enabling maximization of field space.
One-piece home run portable fence kits offer an advanced level of convenience. They are perfect for creating softball, little league and baseball fields because they include just the right length of fencing, (314’ for 200’ HR distance or 471’ for 300’ HR distance), number of poles and a yellow top home run marker. Banners that display the home run distance can be sewn into the fence and foul poles can be added for an even more enhanced look.
Portable fencing: Build your own field and play ball!

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